Engineered to Perform
Built to Delight

Your Integrated Product Design, Development & Manufacturing Partner


Delivering positive impact through
design, engineering, and manufacturing integration.
We dedicate ourselves to streamlining
the process from concepts to products.




Wytech has defined process and documentation standards to control the development flow from early engineering engagement to mass production.

  • Craftsmanship Studies

    + Analysis key process criteria
    + Define basic assembly requirements of cosmetic and functions
    + Set up the base line for all process design

  • Process Flow Definition

    + Step by step definition to show the process flow and key process requirements
    + Identify sequential fixture/equipment needs
    + Cycle time and necessary consumable material estimation

  • Fixture/Equipment Requirements

    + Define the process detail request for the fixture/equipment design
    + Define the accuracy request for the fixture/equipment design based on the craftsmanship study
    + Set up the basic datum and buyoff requirement for fixture/equipment design

  • In-process Control Requirements

    + Set up in-line process controls to validate process capabilities
    + Dig out potential risk in the production design
    + Detailed measurement definitions for frequency, tools, sampling rate, priority, etc.

  • Fixture/Equipment Buy-off

    + Define detailed buy-off items for fixture/equipment
    + Set the buy-off plan based on SPC view points

  • Process Buy-off

    + Set final buy-off criteria for the overall process
    + Set the buy-off plan based on SPC view points

  • DFx Feedback

    + Collect the DFM from process setup and measurement data
    + Review assembly & process to document potential DFx items
    + Review tolerance and DOE to document potential DFx items


What we offer

  • Product Development

    DFX Reviews
    Rapid Prototyping
    Detailed Part Design
    Functional POC Models
    Mechanical and Structural Design
    Material and Process Development
    Technology and Design Integration
    Industrial Design Feasibility Studies
    Laser cutting and etching
    Soft Material Bonding and Lamination
    Soft Material and Electronics Integration

  • Manufacturing Services

    ODM Services
    OEM Services
    Supply Chain Management
    Flexible Production Capability
    Reliability and Failure Analysis
    Craftsmanship and Process Optimization
    Test Plan Development and Implementation
    Soft Material and Electronics Lamination/ Bonding
    In-house Tooling/Injection Molding Facilities and Expertise

  • Automation Fabrication

    Automated Applications
    Intelligent IIOT Solutions
    Edge Computing Solutions
    Predictive Maintenance
    Inline Automated Inspection
    AI and Machine Learning for Production
    Data Collection, Presentation and Analysis
    Connected Automation Equipment Design, Setup and Tuning


Let’s connect!

No.199, JinFeng Rd. (Jibao Technology Park),
Suzhou Hi-Tech & New District, Jiangsu 215000, P.R.C.